I am God's masterpiece According to MerriamWebster's online thesaurus, synonyms of masterpiece are showpiece, blockbuster, success, gem, jewel, prize, treasure, and piece of the master Insert any of these words into today's verse in place of masterpieceAwaken by His breath! I am Your Masterpiece I am the pot in the Potter's Hands, Molded and formed to fulfill the Father's plans Now I humbly and boldly stand, A vessel filled with Living Water that tastes like fine wine from the Lord's vine yard I'm not like them other fakers Not made in 'China' but Made in Zion I am God's Masterpiece I am not the

God S Masterpiece Christian Poetry By Deborah Ann
I am god's masterpiece poem
I am god's masterpiece poem-Filled with His spirit!You perceive my thoughts from afar You discern my going out and my lying down;

Yes You Are God S Masterpiece My Joy Filled Life
It comes from Ephesians 210 which says "We are God's handiwork created in Christ Jesus to do good works which God prepared in advance for us to do" (NIV) This word handiwork comes from the Greek word poiema which gives us our English word for poem and it means "what has been made" It can also be translated workmanship or masterpiece or creation I am Woman God's Masterpiece The first time I ever felt like God "gave" me a life verse, I was on my first international missions trip to the Central American country of Belize After praying about it for almost three years, I knew without a doubt God had tapped me on the shoulder and said this was the time I was to go But God's Word says that I am a masterpiece And not just anyone's masterpiece;
For none on this earth could be measured equal to you! "Poiema emphasizes God as the master Designer, the universe as His creation" (Rom 1) "As the artist seeks to express himself in his work, so God expresses Himself in us" "You are His work, you are His poem A poem is a thing of graceThis means God sees you as His masterpiece Like a beautiful poem, He has put great thought into the rhyme and rhythm of your life Think about that for a moment As God's work of art, He put more thought into your creation than Michelangelo put into his paintings on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel Your Creator spent more time crafting you than Robert Frost did on all his poems
"I am the daughter of a King, who is not moved by the world For my God is with me and goes before me I do not fear because I am his" 'Fear not for I have redeemed you, I have called you by name, you are mine Your are precious and honored in my sight because I love you' Isaiah 4110Most Relevant Verses For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them just as He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we would be holy and blameless before Him In love Therefore, if anyone cleanses himself from these things, he will be aDad is gods masterpiece God took the strength of a mountain, The majesty of a tree, The calm of a quiet sea, The warmth of a summer sun, The wisdom of ages, The patience of eternity, When god combined these qualities There was nothing more to add,

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I am God's child I am a child of light I am a child of day I am God's bride I am God's clay I am God's future I am God's hope I am alive to God I am destined I am called ~~~~~ I am loved I am bought with a price I am redeemed I am set free from sin I am joined to the Lord I am alive by grace I am justified I am forgiven I am sanctified I am reconciledMyron Lysenko Spring showers nurture Rainbows celebrate new life Blossoms radiate Beauty continues Masterpieces from God's hand Man can never match hi thanks for sharing these celebrations of nature they are uplifting poems, full of optimisism, life and the beauty of nature God took the fragrance of a flower, The majesty of a tree, The gentleness of morning dew, The calm of a quiet sea, The beauty of the twilight hour, The soul of a starry night, The laughter of a rippling brook, The grace of a bird in flight Then God fashioned from these things A creation like no other, And when his masterpiece was through

I Am God S Masterpiece My Messy Desk

Ephesians 2 10 We Are God S Masterpiece Fruitfully Living Women
God's Masterpiece Poem You are who you are for a reason You're part of an intricate plan You're a precious and perfect unique design, Called God's special woman or man You look like you look for a reason Our God made no mistake He knit you together within the womb, You're just what he wanted to makePlease subscribe for new mysteries every week!Watch the full episodes of The Book of Mysteries on TBN here https//watchtbntv/thebookofmysteriesAre you"Nothing is a masterpiece a real masterpiece till it's about two hundred years old A picture is like a tree or a church, you've got to let it grow into a masterpiece Same with a poem or a new religion They begin as a lot of funny words Nobody knows

I Am Print I Am God S Masterpiece Print Affirmation Wall Etsy

God Created You For A Purpose
I Am A Masterpiece An Illustrated Poem BurtonSmith, Dr Eniola, Hill MA, Shamirrah, Hill MBA, Donald L on Amazoncom *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers I Am A Masterpiece An Illustrated PoemCreated in God's image (Ge 27), yet born in sin, we are redeemed and recreated in the image of His Son For I am God's masterpiece He has created me anew in Christ Jesus, so I can do the good things he planned for me long ago I find that personalizing the scripture makes it much more enjoyable and meaningful, especially when you want to use the word of God as an affirmation

God S Masterpiece Christian Poetry By Deborah Ann

You Are God S Poetry Allume
Redeemed by His blood!God's greatest masterpiece of creation is you And it is me We are God's greatest masterpieces In fact, we read in Ephesians 210 that "we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them" (nkjv) That word workmanship could be translated, "we are His work of art" We are His poemGods Masterpiece, Identity In Jesus Christ Positive Mind Christian Wall Art Quotes, perfect as Christmas Gift Printable YOU PRINT SincerelyEllieMay 5 out of 5 stars (347) $500 Add to Favorites You are God's Masterpiece Ephesians 210 Bible Verse Print

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